Kirkby on Bain Church of England
 Voluntary Aided Primary School

Kirkby on Bain
Church of England
Primary School

01526 352715
[email protected]

Willow Three/Four

Welcome to Willow Class!

Hi, my name is Miss Bean and welcome to our class page!

My favourite lessons to teach are History, Geography and English!

We have lots of fun and laughter in Willow. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Pearce supporting us throughout our learning. 






Staying Safe Online

Websites We Use


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Welcome to Willow Class!

Willow - Wikipedia


In Willow Class, we are kind, supportive and confident children who always work as a team! We are independent, creative learners because we challenge ourselves, concentrate, problem solve and aim to do our best. We use our imagination, we persevere, we are curious and we communicate constantly!  We are always learning and most importantly, we are HAPPY!

The Willow Team

Miss Bean will be teaching all week with the support of our wonderful Mrs Pearce. We are very lucky to be joined Mrs Shawyer who will teach RE on a Wednesday and PE on a Thursday and Madame Fuller, who will be teaching French. 

Daily Information:

PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. On these days, the children should come into school in their PE kits which will act as their 'uniform' for those days. As such, the children are expected to wear a light blue polo PE shirt, navy leggings or jogging bottoms and a school jumper or navy jumper.

Our Learning 


In Autumn term our golden thread was: Know Yourself, Love Yourself, Love Your Neighbour.  We will be using this thread as a lens to look at our learning through. 


In English, we will be writing to inform and writing to entertain by creating recounts, news articles and descriptions. We will also be exploring many books through our Whole Class Reading sessions and when reading for pleasure. 

In Maths, we will be looking at place value, then applying our knowledge in additon, subtraction and money skills. There will be many TTRS competitions set - let's see who can become a Rock Hero!!

Times Tables Rock Stars – Apps on Google Play

In Science, we will be investigating what it means to be healthy and how the human body works. 

During RE learning, we will be answering: What is the Trinity?

Our focus in History is Ancient Egypt, we will be comparing the life of Ancient Egyptians to other early civilisations across the world. 

In Computing, we will be looking at computer systems and networks. 

Our Art focus this term is telling stories through making and drawing. We will be looking at how artists are inspired by other art forms to create stories. 

In PSHE, we will be looking at being safe online and making friends online. We will alos be looking at different emotions and how we can manage them. 

This term we will be reading...

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia #2: Book 2 :  Lewis, C. S.: Books



During Spring Term our golden thread is: One World, Our World, A World For All. We will be using this thread as a lens to look at our learning through. 



In English, we will be writing to persuade and writing to entertain by creating advertisements, persuasive letters and descriptions/stories. We will also be exploring many books through our Whole Class Reading sessions and when reading for pleasure. 

In Maths, we will be looking at multiplication and division, then applying our knowledge in measurement skills. There will be many TTRS competitions set - let's see who can become a Rock Hero!!


In Science, we will be investigating the significance of rocks and how forces work.

During RE learning, we will be looking at being human.

Our focus in Geography will be: why do people live near volcanoes? we will be exploring our incredible natural world, linking to our golden thread.

In Computing, we will be looking at programming including sounds. 

Our Art focus this term is Cloth, Thread and Paint. Explore how artists combine media to create work in response to landscape. Use acrylic and thread to make a painted and stitched piece.


In PSHE, we will be looking at relationships and responsibilities. We will also be looking at online safety.

This term we will be reading...


The Boy Who Grew Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 1) : Shepherd, Andy,  Ogilvie, Sara: Books



There are no news articles at present.

Willow Three/Four

Welcome to Willow Class!

Hi, my name is Miss Bean and welcome to our class page!

My favourite lessons to teach are History, Geography and English!

We have lots of fun and laughter in Willow. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Pearce supporting us throughout our learning. 






Staying Safe Online

Websites We Use