Kirkby on Bain Church of England
 Voluntary Aided Primary School

Kirkby on Bain
Church of England
Primary School

01526 352715
[email protected]
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Physical Education at Kirkby

What does our curriculum aim to do?

At Kirkby we aim to develop a love of physical activity and sport in all children to inspire them to become life-long active people and maintain healthy lifestyles beyond KS2. 
All children are entitled to develop their skills from their own starting points, at Kirkby our children develop physical confidence and understanding of 'how' to move successfully. 
We are committed to supporting all children to develop fundamental skills which will develop into the key skills needed to access specific sports or types of physical activity such as dance, invasion games and gymnastics. 
We aim to encourage a love of competition. Children will understand how to develop their own skills to compete against others and themselves to improve their 'personal best'. 
Children will know the importance of physical activity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, they will know how to swim, how to keep safe during exercise and develop all important life skills of team-work, independence and resilience.  

What does PE look like across school?

In Maple (EYFS), Physical Development is a prime area of learning. That means it is recognised as being a core area of development that underpins others. As such, the indoor and outdoor environments are planned to develop children's gross (large) and fine (small) motor skills. Specific equipment is available within the 'continuous provision', to support a range of skills such as balancing, kicking, throwing, jumping and moving in a variety of ways.


 A discrete 1 hour lesson is also used each week to focus on particular skills and introduce a wider range of equipment such as the climbing apparatus or parachute. These sessions also encourage a focus on discussion about how physical activity is beneficial to the body. 

 The curriculum is also supplemented with additional physicaopportunities such as dough disco, movement and coordination sessions and yoga.

There are also daily opportunities for short bursts of fun, active movement sessions using GoNoodle, iMoves and Cosmic Yoga.

In KS1, children have two PE lessons, each 1 hour long. These sessions are planned to develop on the progress that children have made in EYFS. In Chestnut 1 and 2, children are taught to master the skills of running, throwing, jumping and catching as well as developing balance, agility and coordination. Children also develop skills of working within a team to use these skills in games. They are taught the beginning of using tactics and continue to develop their understanding of the impact of physical activity on the body - this is further developed in the KS1 science curriculum. 

In KS2, the skills and techniques that have been taught in KS1 are further developed either in isolation or combination to support specific sporting activities. In KS2 children engage in invasion games, striking and fielding, dance, gymnastics, and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA).

Swimming also forms part of our curriculum offer. This is currently offered within KS2 so that children can meet the required standard of swimming by the end of their time at Kirkby.  

Staff use 'CompletePE' as the progression basis. Lessons are then adapted to ensure that all children can participate and succeed based on their developmental journey. 

Children take lead roles related to PE and physical activity such as Health Ambassadors.  Through these roles, they support younger children with focussed activities and plan physical events throughout the year to promote and support their health and well-being. 

team picture

Children are able to participate in a range of intra and inter-school competitions throughout the year.

PE Long Term Curriculum Map 2023

Upcoming Events during Autumn Term...

October 13th 2023: Visit from the GB Athelete Abbie Brown (Rugby 7's Captain). Delivered through 'Sports for Champions GB workshops.')

 Abbie Brown: Double Olympian      

There are no news articles at present.



Subject Leader: Mr Good