Chestnut 2
Welcome to Chestnut 2 Class!
Hello, I'm Miss Gillespie. Welcome to our class page!
My favourite subject is English and I love helping children learn to read, write and develop a passion for both!
Our classroom is full of fun, smiles and happy people. We are very lucky to have Mrs Scott support us in our learning too.
Welcome to Chestnut 2!
We are kind, supportive and confident children who always work as a team! We are independent, creative learners because we challenge ourselves, do our best, concentrate, problem solve and apply our new learning in a way that interests us. We use our imagination, we persevere, we are curious and we communicate constantly! We are always learning and most importantly, we are HAPPY!
We love directing our own learning, applying the skills we have been practising with our teacher in a way that engages and inspires us! We practise our spelling, writing skills and reading every day and really enjoy applying our maths knowledge, showing off what we know and explaining how we know it. We love books and can often be found reading in our 'CP' time.
We love school in Chestnut 2 and always try our best at everything we do!
Intent, Implementation and Impact
We intend for our children to leave Key Stage one as independent, eager, confident and resilient learners. We want to ensure that they enter Key Stage two with a true love of reading, a self-driven desire to write, a substantial amount of knowledge and wide skillset to be applied in Maths, Science and all non-core subjects. We are working with children who will likely do jobs that have not been invented yet! Our intention is not to create 'clones' but to create individual thinkers. We want our children to think for themselves, apply learning and skills in their way and persist with their ideas.
Our curriculum is well thought out, ensuring children can revisit and revise learning throughout the year. All learning has links to our whole school's Golden Threads. We know our children as individuals and their personal areas for development. We carefully consider how these aspects can be supported and challenged both in adult led time and during their CP time. This means, as well as well-planned teacher inputs, children have well-considered teacher interactions during their 'CP' time (time where children direct their own learning and access their continous provision).
We believe it is essential to provide children (particularly in KS1) with the opportunity to rehearse skills and apply knowledge both with and without the support of their teachers. The children have adult-led inputs, where they are taught according to the National Curriculum expectations for all subject areas. We then allow children (through child-led enquiry and access to a carefully planned Continuous Provision) to explore and apply skills in a way that engages them, interests them and develops their independence. Adults know the children as individuals and have a clear understanding of their next areas for development. Through careful interactions during CP time, teachers model, support, extend, challenge and further motivate children to develop their individual targets and apply new skills and learning. Children are more motivated and invested in learning whilst they are engaged in their own pursuits/lines of enquiry.
As a result, our children love to learn; love to write, love to read; love to apply mathematical knowledge; love finding out about the world around them; love to investigate the past and love to create, make, build and present their findings in their way!
Our children make excellent progress in all areas of the curriculum and do so with a smile on their faces.
Our Long Term Curriculum Overview:
Daily Information:
PE will be on Tuesday and Friday this year. On these days, the children should come into school in their PE kits which will act as their 'uniform' for those days. As such, the children are expected to wear a light blue polo PE shirt, navy leggings or jogging bottoms and a school jumper or navy jumper.
There are no news articles at present.